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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Blue Hour

The Blue Hour.
The time of the day when light fades slowly away and gives room for the dark. Before the stars grants us their sparkling light -  and if you look close enough -  colourful games on the black sky.
When the light and the dark melts into each other, embracing, loving, welcoming and saying goodbye. One has finished its purpose, brought light, life and growth; time for the other to calm everything down, sing its lullaby and kiss you goodnight.

The blue hour is the time of the day when you goes out, breathes the fresh air and listen to the nature with your entire body and mind.
You know how you focus when speaking with a loved one on telephone and there is a bad connection? You use all of your senses - bodily and mentaly to recieve. This is what I mean when I say "listen to the nature with both body and mind".

Time for afterthought and reflection.

Full Moon 19.01.2011

At the time of the full moon, it is almost as if a door suddenly opened wide, which at other times stands closed. 
Through that door, ingress is possible. Through that door or opening, energies can be contacted which are otherwise shut off. 
And through that door, approaches can be made to a reality which are at other times not possible.

These pictures where taken by me January 19 2011
And if you wonder when your Blue Hour is, check the link below:


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Aurora Borealis

Want to share something.
What we can see here in Norway. Absolutely beautiful ...

Aurora Borealis timelapse HD - Tromsø 2010 from Tor Even Mathisen on Vimeo.

Photography: Tor Even Mathisen
Music: Per Wollen
Vocal: Silje Beate Nilssen

Thursday, January 13, 2011


En liten test.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Childhood

Anyone who has been a child, is yearning back to the perfect summer day.
 A day when you were just big enough, just strong enough and  just tired enough
after the final bath of the day.

A day when the sun almost would not let go of the shining sea, but painted it in
orange and then dark red with purple shadows and the small waves after a wooden boat slowly gliding on the water.

A day when the sound of scattered seagulls followed you through the door and
disappered in the wet towel mom dried your hair with.

A day with supper at the kitchen table, and the bread tasted heavenly no matter what
you had on it. Blended with cold milk and warm salt water that suddenly gushed out
of your nose.

Anyone who has been a child is yearning back to the end of a perfect summer evening.
 Such a night when the only thing that was better than being naked was to put on a
newly washed pajamas, while you felt how smooth teeths can be.

A day when the goose pimples first laid down when dad wrapped the blanket around
your legs after reading absolutely ALL the pages in the Donald magazine.

Such a night as the kindest people in the world hugged you good night and smiled as
if you were the most important person on earth.

And then - everything became soft, smooth and just right in every way.

Such a night that smiles to you even when you are a grown up and knows that it is
not yours, but another happy childhood you are closing the bedroom door to.

© IceBlue 2011