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Wednesday, January 19, 2011

The Blue Hour

The Blue Hour.
The time of the day when light fades slowly away and gives room for the dark. Before the stars grants us their sparkling light -  and if you look close enough -  colourful games on the black sky.
When the light and the dark melts into each other, embracing, loving, welcoming and saying goodbye. One has finished its purpose, brought light, life and growth; time for the other to calm everything down, sing its lullaby and kiss you goodnight.

The blue hour is the time of the day when you goes out, breathes the fresh air and listen to the nature with your entire body and mind.
You know how you focus when speaking with a loved one on telephone and there is a bad connection? You use all of your senses - bodily and mentaly to recieve. This is what I mean when I say "listen to the nature with both body and mind".

Time for afterthought and reflection.

Full Moon 19.01.2011

At the time of the full moon, it is almost as if a door suddenly opened wide, which at other times stands closed. 
Through that door, ingress is possible. Through that door or opening, energies can be contacted which are otherwise shut off. 
And through that door, approaches can be made to a reality which are at other times not possible.

These pictures where taken by me January 19 2011
And if you wonder when your Blue Hour is, check the link below:


Sunday, January 16, 2011

Aurora Borealis

Want to share something.
What we can see here in Norway. Absolutely beautiful ...

Aurora Borealis timelapse HD - Tromsø 2010 from Tor Even Mathisen on Vimeo.

Photography: Tor Even Mathisen
Music: Per Wollen
Vocal: Silje Beate Nilssen

Thursday, January 13, 2011


En liten test.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The Childhood

Anyone who has been a child, is yearning back to the perfect summer day.
 A day when you were just big enough, just strong enough and  just tired enough
after the final bath of the day.

A day when the sun almost would not let go of the shining sea, but painted it in
orange and then dark red with purple shadows and the small waves after a wooden boat slowly gliding on the water.

A day when the sound of scattered seagulls followed you through the door and
disappered in the wet towel mom dried your hair with.

A day with supper at the kitchen table, and the bread tasted heavenly no matter what
you had on it. Blended with cold milk and warm salt water that suddenly gushed out
of your nose.

Anyone who has been a child is yearning back to the end of a perfect summer evening.
 Such a night when the only thing that was better than being naked was to put on a
newly washed pajamas, while you felt how smooth teeths can be.

A day when the goose pimples first laid down when dad wrapped the blanket around
your legs after reading absolutely ALL the pages in the Donald magazine.

Such a night as the kindest people in the world hugged you good night and smiled as
if you were the most important person on earth.

And then - everything became soft, smooth and just right in every way.

Such a night that smiles to you even when you are a grown up and knows that it is
not yours, but another happy childhood you are closing the bedroom door to.

© IceBlue 2011

Sunday, December 12, 2010

What does slavery mean?

For those who know me - no chock that I am Dominant.
I once read a great article about being a slave, but I dont remember where or who wrote it. Anyone who read this and recognize it, give me a sign so I can credit the author of this article.
The following text will hopefully put some thoughts into your head and make you think once more over what lifestyle you want and what your true desire is.

Your Life Is Not Yours

Consider this statement for a moment: your life is not yours. Living in a M/s relationship means that you give all power and choices over to another. This is the fundamental premise of this type of arrangement. Equality is nowhere in the equation. You life exists only to serve at her/his pleasure. Nothing about you is within your realm. Everything is at the discretion of another.
Many will say "this is exactly what I am seeking". Is it really? Are you ready to do all that you are instructed regardless of how much it turns your stomach? I found that most are not.
The simple truth is that few can exist in this type of relationship. Slavery is a tough way to live. One has no say in anything that occurs. Tremendous self discipline is required to succeed. One needs to be self confident to behave in a manner that the Mistress desires. It certainly is not for the weak.

Get Over Sex

Here is where many get zapped. Your M/s relationship is not about sex. Forget the idea that you are going to live as a 24/7 fuckpiece. Sex, as most find out, is but a small part of your servitude. Your role is to serve her/him mentally, physically, and emotionally in addition to sexually. M/s is about pleasing the Mistress(Master) and not you. Sex is only a part of the equation if and when she/he desires that. Your desires are not important.
The Internet glorifies the sexual aspect of this life. Every image promotes people being tied up in all kinds of positions and used in many kinky ways. Sadly, this is a misrepresentation of the M/s life. A slave does not often serve in this capacity. Instead, the days are filled with cooking, cleaning, washing, and all the other tasks that the Mistress requires. We never see images of the slave pushing around the vacuum cleaner but that is more representative of what the life is.

Negative Connotation

"Slavery" has a negative connotation among people for a reason. It is not a path that is easy. Most who lived this way, traditionally, were forced into it. However, just because we choose to be consensual doesn't mean that it is less strenuous. Everything about you is owned by another.
Your likes are disregarded. What you want is of no consequence whatsoever. The only thing that matters is how you serve the one who is in charge. Property is often the term used to describe a slave. Your sole purpose is to please her.
Are you ready to give up all you like and live in this manner? Anything you have or can do is with permission. You have no rights after she/he meets the basic needs. The clothes you wear are on loan to you. If she/he prefers you naked, that is how it is to be. This sounds sexy and erotic to many until you consider that this can happen in front of your family at Christmas dinner. There are not limitations upon you fulfilling what she wants.

Wants Versus Needs

Few have any idea what the difference is with these. Most of society is conditioned into believing that their wants are actually needs. "I need a big screen television". "I need a new car". "I need a bigger house". These are not needs; they are wants. A slave must understand that a Mistress is only responsible for providing needs. This includes food, clothing for protection, and shelter. That is it. Everything else falls into a want category.
If you do not believe me, consider all that you have. My question is "will you die if you do not have it"? While you might mistakenly think so, the truth is that outside of what was mentioned, you will not. Thus, everything you see before you is a want. And, if you enter M/s, there is a chance that it all will be removed from you. Are you ready for this?

"Yes, Ma`am"

This is to be your favorite saying (or Yes Mistress). "No" is not part of your vocabulary. While love is the main factor in a traditional relationship, I feel that obedience is the main factor in M/s. A slave who is disobedient is not worthy of a Mistress domination. Again, this is not a life for everyone. Few can live in this manner.
Some Mistresses will allow a slave to interact with her/him on an equal basis at certain times and in appropriate manner. This is where self discipline enters the picture. There are many times where a slave needs to keep his/her mouth shut and accept what is being directed. "Yes Ma`am"  is the only appropriate response.
Being sassy is not cute. Many feel that being a wiseass is a way to a Mistress` heart. Grow up. The online community might put up with this nonsense but a true Mistress will not. She is not in this lifestyle to play games. Nor is it expected that you will make her/his life more difficult. A slave is owned to make one's life easier. Continually fighting with a smartaleck slave is a waste of time. That is a surefire path to release.

Being A Dumbass

I see so many who write in their profiles "I am not a doormat". This tells me these people are not accustom to dealing with a real Mistress. Nobody wants a doormat. A slave that falls into this category is of no use to me. I dont need a dumbass walking around my house with no clue what is going on.
A slave needs to watch, learn, and monitor what is pleasing to the Mistress. Nothing is more frustrating than dealing with someone who continually needs to be told what to do every moment of the day. A slave needs to learn what is expected and to assume control of the actions a Mistress wants completed.
Sadly, few I encounter online are able to live like this. The ones who are stating they are not doormats tend to show themselves to be total dumbasses. They want to approach this way without the maturity necessary to succeed in a M/s relationship. Often I need to check to see if I am on an adult site or the Cartoon Network. Seriously, so many want to behave like children.

It's A Wonderful Life

M/s is a wonderful way to live life if you are one who truly desires it. However, I will state that one needs to have his/her eyes open as to what it is all about. The Internet does a poor job of realistically promoting the life. Instead, it portrays things in a manner that magnifies the lie many are operating under. If you want to be a sex slave, go sell your body on the street corner and give the money to a pimp (or mafioso) because that is what real sex slaves do. Get over the mindset that you are going to live the "pornstar" life.
If you are one who wants to serve, then M/s could be your calling. Of course, before entering into any type of arrangement, I would stress that you get clear about what you want. This is not for the faint of heart. Having someone take care of all your needs and make the tough decisions holds great appeal. Nevertheless, it is not without a price. You will be expected to fulfill your part of the equation. Obedience is your new keyword. If you can accept and go along with all that is set before you, then you have a chance. Just remember, your consent, once you submit, is not required. She/he is free to use you in any manner. "No" is removed.

Is this the life you want?

Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dimmu Borgir

I like music. And I like about everything, but have to admit - I am very weak for the heavier and darker sides of music.
So today I decided to hear one of my favourite songs of Dimmu Borgir.
While I listen to music my thoughts often wanders off. This time I got hung up in what Dimmu Borgir actually means.

In Iceland there is a place called Dimmuborgir. It is a huge area near Mýavatn in the north of Iceland. Unusual lava formations, caves and rock formations after vulcanic activity, has formed the place to look like the ruins of an ancient fortress with columns spewing plumes of sulfuric smoke.
In Icelandic myths Dimmuborgir was a city between earth and the underworld. And it is said it was the home of elves, trolls and Santa Claus.

Take a look here - this is Dimmuborgir:

Dimmuborgir means dark castles.
It gives meaning when you look at the image, don`t you think?

Do you see the ancient fortress and the columns that screams of a bygone time and greatness?
Do you see how the castle was raised up in the air, how it towered over the landscape with smaller buildings around where the elves and the trolls lived their lives from the dawn of time?

Maybe it looked something like this:

Enchanting thought.

It is said though, that the elves, fairies, trolls and ghosts disappered when mankind stopped believing in them.  Like they needed our energy - our fear and admiration to exist. You know with yourself. When you stop believing in yourself, when you have lost faith that you can acchieve what you want or someone loses faith in you.  It slips through your hands like sand and disappears. Gone.

I have a huge imagination. And I admit it also. I could go on like this for hours, letting one thought grab the other and let the mind spin on. Asking questions and wonders about stuff that I really have no use for, but still facinates me big time.

I started with Dimmu Borgir, their music and what the name meant and  I ended up with elves, trolls, hope and faith; and what happens when one loses his/hers beliefe.

Time for bed ...