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Sunday, December 5, 2010

Dimmu Borgir

I like music. And I like about everything, but have to admit - I am very weak for the heavier and darker sides of music.
So today I decided to hear one of my favourite songs of Dimmu Borgir.
While I listen to music my thoughts often wanders off. This time I got hung up in what Dimmu Borgir actually means.

In Iceland there is a place called Dimmuborgir. It is a huge area near Mýavatn in the north of Iceland. Unusual lava formations, caves and rock formations after vulcanic activity, has formed the place to look like the ruins of an ancient fortress with columns spewing plumes of sulfuric smoke.
In Icelandic myths Dimmuborgir was a city between earth and the underworld. And it is said it was the home of elves, trolls and Santa Claus.

Take a look here - this is Dimmuborgir:

Dimmuborgir means dark castles.
It gives meaning when you look at the image, don`t you think?

Do you see the ancient fortress and the columns that screams of a bygone time and greatness?
Do you see how the castle was raised up in the air, how it towered over the landscape with smaller buildings around where the elves and the trolls lived their lives from the dawn of time?

Maybe it looked something like this:

Enchanting thought.

It is said though, that the elves, fairies, trolls and ghosts disappered when mankind stopped believing in them.  Like they needed our energy - our fear and admiration to exist. You know with yourself. When you stop believing in yourself, when you have lost faith that you can acchieve what you want or someone loses faith in you.  It slips through your hands like sand and disappears. Gone.

I have a huge imagination. And I admit it also. I could go on like this for hours, letting one thought grab the other and let the mind spin on. Asking questions and wonders about stuff that I really have no use for, but still facinates me big time.

I started with Dimmu Borgir, their music and what the name meant and  I ended up with elves, trolls, hope and faith; and what happens when one loses his/hers beliefe.

Time for bed ...


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